Now that Kāpehu, the new Student Hub, is live, we’ve pulled together some training material about how to add news items, events, blogs and notices. We’re really keen for all staff to start adding their own articles as it’s a really good platform for sharing info with ākonga.

Key things to note

  • We did want a frontend form like we have on the Tūhono homepage for staff to be able to add news, blogs, notices or events.
  • Unfortunately, ISS didn’t produce this in time for launch so staff currently have to add these items through the backend of our website using the content management system (CMS).
  • The frontend form will be sorted in the next couple of months and we’ll let you know when that’s available!
  • For now, the below training docs will let you know how to add items in the CMS.
  • And we’ll run through this during in-person training sessions we’re running too. 

'How to' training guides

How to add news, notices or blogs in the CMS

How to add events

'How to' all staff training session

Tuesday 2 May, 12.00pm-12.30pm, online   

Check out the event details here (and add to your calendar) >  

Need some help?

  • If you’re trying to add an item and are having a problem, log a job for us and we’ll be in touch to help you.
  • If you’d rather we added content on your behalf until we have an easy-to-use form, please log a job using this form and we can sort it for you.

What if a student asks me how they add content?

We really want students to feel that they can add content to this platform as it’s theirs.

We sent them all an email last week about how to add content (and the difference between news items, blogs, notices and events). And then loaded it as a news item in Kāpehu which you can find here:

In essence, students can fill in a form requesting content via Kāpehu. It sits in the Contact us menu and is called ‘Adding content to Kāpehu (via request form)’. This is the link to the form if any students ask you for it:

Published on 26 Apr 2023

Orderdate: 26 Apr 2023
Expiry: 26 Apr 2025