Harassment and Bullying Prevention - SOP
Definitions and examples of Harassment and Bullying (not limited to)
Harassment is verbal, written, visual or physical conduct in relation to race, colour, ethnic or national origins, gender, age, disability, physical appearance, marital or family status, religion, ethical belief, participating or not participating in the activities of an employee union, political opinion or sexual orientation that is unwelcome or offensive to the recipient.
Harassment may be one incident of a serious nature or behaviour that is persistent to the extent that it has a detrimental effect on the recipient’s employment or learning, including work/course performance, job/learning opportunities or job/course satisfaction.
· displaying sexual or sexist material
· disruptive behaviour which interferes with the rights and learning opportunities of others
· language and imagery which is offensive and/or intimidating (may be verbal, written or electronic)
· hand gestures of an offensive nature
· any threatening or acts of aggression, bullying or intimidatory behaviour
· calling others offensive nicknames
· belittling others' religious or cultural beliefs
· looking at others in such a way that they feel uncomfortable
· invading others' personal space
· touching others in a way they find unwelcome
· making racist or sexist jokes or comments
· mimicking others' accents, stutters, or mannerisms
· spreading rumours
· playing ill-natured practical jokes
· venting work pressure by swearing or using abusive language
· requesting dates or sexual contact with others who find the approach unwelcome and/or where a formal imbalance of power exists, such as a staff member making such requests of a learner or a supervisor making such requests of a staff member he or she supervises
· threatening or implying adverse treatment if requests for sexual contact is not agreed to
Bullying is unwelcome and unreasonable behaviour that is persistent. It creates an uncomfortable or offensive work atmosphere which is hostile for those who are target(s) of the bullying.
· verbal abuse; yelling, using profanities/foul language
· spreading malicious rumour, gossip, or innuendo
· belittling a person’s opinions
· excluding, isolating, or ignoring someone
· intimidating a person – using psychological, physical, or emotional forms
· undermining or deliberately impeding a person’s work
· overloading, or unreasonably denying, or starving a person of responsibility
· establishing impossible deadlines that will set up the individual to fail
· physically threatening abuse/aggressive body language
· making jokes that are ‘obviously offensive’
· unjustifiably blocking applications for training, leave or promotion