Performance Review
This policy provides for the formal review of the work performance of all staff, defines the responsibilities of the parties involved in the process, and identifies the outcomes expected from the review. It also establishes the procedures which must be followed in the conduct of performance reviews. Refer, also, to the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Principles relating to Performance Review.
Employment Relations Act 2000 and all subsequent amendments
State Sector Act and all subsequent amendments
This policy covers all staff of Otago Polytechnic Limited (Ltd) who are permanent staff or who are employed on fixed term agreements of 12 months duration or longer.
Other staff, i.e., casual or on fixed term agreements of less than 12 months, shall also have their performance reviewed in a manner consistent with this policy. To that end Formal Leaders may at their discretion apply this policy, or a less formal process.
1. Formal Leaders
(Formal Leaders refers to Directors, Programme Heads and Service Area Leaders, Heads of College, or other positions to which the responsibility to conduct performance reviews has been delegated.)
Formal Leaders must ensure performance reviews are carried out within their area of responsibility in accordance with this policy. Formal Leaders also carry out performance reviews for those staff who report directly to them, and for others as necessary or appropriate.
2. Supervisors
(Supervisors refers to any staff member who has responsibility for the performance of another staff member.)
Supervisors carry out performance reviews in accordance with this policy.
3. Staff
Staff prepare for and participate fully in the review process.
4. People and Culture
People and Culture maintains records of performance reviews and provides appropriate reports to Leadership Team on compliance with this policy and on outcomes of the review process and coaches reviewers/reviewees in good performance management skills.
Policy Requirements
1. All staff are required to have their work performance formally reviewed at least once per annum, in accordance with this policy and the accompanying procedures.
2. There should be a maximum period of 12 months between reviews.
All new staff are required to have their work performance formally reviewed before the completion of the first three months of service. For new staff who are subject to a formal probation requirement under the terms of their employment agreement the processes prescribed in the policy
“Monitoring and Review of New Staff” are also to be followed. Formal Leaders will determine the timing of performance reviews to best fit the operational requirements of their area of responsibility. A review can be performed at any time should the need arise.
3. The Otago Polytechnic Ltd Performance Review System in Inform should be used to record reviewer and reviewee input into the review. If the system is not used the system must be “signed off” electronically and show the review is complete.
4. The ISS training team can be contacted for training in the use of the Inform Performance Review System.
5. The Inform Performance Review System allows three types of review:
- Probation/Induction review
- Development review
- Salary review
The default review is the development review. If an application to Salary Review Committee is planned the full Salary Review option must be selected. Further information, refer to Salary Review Committee terms of reference in the policy.
6. The performance review will cover all expectations of the position. Refer to Practice Note 3.
Three formal outcomes are required from the formal review process:
6.1 If appropriate, a recommendation by the Formal Leader with respect to salary review or promotion of the staff member. If the Formal Leader supports a salary increase or promotion or believes that an annual increment should be withheld based on the evidence of performance available, a recommendation to this effect must be made to the Salary Review and Promotions Committee.
NB: Where the reviewer is not the Formal Leader, the Formal Leader shall consult with the reviewer prior to making a recommendation to the Salary Review and Promotions Committee.
6.2 The identification of areas for the staff member’s development is to be incorporated by the staff member into they/their individual development plan. See Staff Development Policy.
6.3 An update of the staff member’s position description, incorporating any new accountabilities/responsibilities agreed during the review, and removing any accountabilities/responsibilities no longer considered part of the staff member’s role. In addition, the performance review should inform workload planning.
Where a staff member believes that he/she has been subject to an unfair performance review process he/she may request a review of that process through the Director: Organisational Development. This request must be made in writing to the Director: Organisational Development within 10 working days of notification of outcome.
Where a staff member disputes the decision of the Formal Leader re salary review or promotion, he/she may request consideration of the case for salary review or promotion by the Salary Review and Promotions Committee. This request must be made in writing to the DCE: People, Culture and Safety within 10 working days of notification of outcome.
Staff Development
Monitoring and Review of New Staff on Probation
Salary Review and Promotions Committee
Employment Agreements
Position Description