Grad is just around the corner so we thought you might like to get an understanding of what happens during check in and the ceremony.    

The parade starts at 11.00am. You’ll need to gather outside First Church (415 Moray Place) at 10.40am. See parade route map here. 

If you’re taking part in this parade, you’ll arrive at the Dunedin Town Hall main entrance around 11.15am-11.30am (if you’re not arriving as part of the parade, you will need to make your own way to the Town Hall to check in by 11.30am).  

When you get to the Town Hall, you will need to head to the Glenroy Auditorium to check in. There’ll be plenty of helpers to let you know where you need to go but you can also check this map to see where the Glenroy is in the Town Hall building.  


Checking in  

We know you’ve registered to attend graduation already but we also need you to check in on the day so we know you’re there (just like you check in for a flight). 

You will be sent a unique check in number by text a few days before graduation. Please make sure you have your number ready for check in.   

IMPORTANT! If you don’t check in, you will not be included in the graduation ceremony.   

When you arrive at the Glenroy Auditorium, please head to the desk which shows your check in number (e.g. head to the desk that has the large sign saying 1-40 if your check in number is say, 25).   

Check in staff will be waiting. Please let them know your check in number and they can mark you as present. They will then give you your check in number on a sticker and this will be stuck to the right sleeve of your gown. This is so we can line you up in the right order to cross the stage – please make sure your sticker stays on your sleeve. Someone will remove this just before you cross the stage. Don’t panic if your sticker falls off your sleeve, just let one of the check in staff know and they can create a new one for you.  

Once you’ve checked in, please hang out in the Glenroy Auditorium. Please don’t leave the Town Hall.   

There are toilets and water coolers in this space. This year, we’ve also got a photo booth so you can capture a few piccies with your mates. 

A staff member will make a few announcements over the microphone in the Glenroy Auditorium during check in - please listen carefully to these. 


What to do with your headwear during the ceremony

This varies depending on the qualification you’re receiving and what previous awards you hold. We’ll also go through this during your check in and there will be posters on the walls in the Glenroy Auditorium about this too. 

We refer to your headwear as a trencher (although doctorate grads wear a bonnet). 


What to wear / do

Certificate or Diploma

You will not be wearing a trencher so you will simply cross the stage in your gown. 

Degree or Honours Degree


If this is your first qualification or you already hold a Certificate or Diploma:

  • You need to carry your trencher in your hand during the ceremony. When it is your time to cross the stage, you will hand your trencher to the Official Representative in the middle of the stage who will place it on your head.
  • You can then wear your trencher for the rest of the ceremony. 

If you already hold a Degree, Honours Degree, Graduate Certificate/Diploma, Postgraduate Certificate/Diploma, Masters or Doctorate:

  • You need to wear your trencher before the ceremony and while you are sitting waiting to cross the stage.
  • When you line up to cross the stage, remove it.
  • When crossing the stage, you need to hand your trencher to the Official Representative who will place it on your head.
  • You can then wear your trencher for the rest of the ceremony.

Graduate Certificate/Diploma

Postgraduate Certificate/Diploma

Wear your trencher throughout the entire ceremony, including when you cross the stage.

NOTE: This is whether it is your first qualification or you have previously graduated with other qualifications.


  • Wear your trencher (with a gold tassel) before the ceremony and while you are sitting waiting to cross the stage.
  • When you line up to cross the stage, remove it.
  • When crossing the stage, you need to hand your trencher to the Official Representative who will place it on your head.
  • You can then wear your trencher for the rest of the ceremony.

NOTE: This is whether it is your first qualification or you have previously graduated with other qualifications.


  • Carry your bonnet on to stage.
  • Cross the stage and shake hands with the Official Representative.
  • You will then place your bonnet on your own head.

NOTE: This is whether this is your first qualification or you have previously graduated with other qualifications.


The ceremony  

We’ll line you up in numeric order in the Glenroy Auditorium before you’re led through to the Town Hall.

There may be a gap between your number and the person in front or behind you as some people have dropped out of graduation. This doesn’t matter. It just needs to be the next correct and available number.  

You’ll be led through to the Town Hall and seated in the order that you’ll cross the stage. Please sit down quickly and don’t leave any gaps.   

The official party will make their way to the stage and welcome speeches will be made. When the time is approaching for you to cross the stage, you’ll be asked to stand up and line up at the side of the Town Hall. A staff member will remove your sticker from your sleeve, you’ll then walk up the stage steps, ready to cross the stage.   

Another staff member at the top of the steps will let you know when you can walk across the stage. Please just walk at a normal pace.   

The Official Graduation Representative(s) will be standing in the middle of the stage. You’ll stop when you reach them, shake their hands and they will place your trencher on your head – i.e. you will be “capped” (if your qualification type requires that). You’ll then keep walking and head down the steps on the opposite side of the stage.   

TIP: Please take care coming down the steps. There’s a handrail so it’s a good idea to use that but also remember to make sure your gown sleeve doesn’t get caught on it!   

You’ll be led to the seat you’ll be sitting in for the rest of the ceremony - this might be different to the first seat you were sitting in, which is why it’s really important not to take any personal items with you into the Town Hall.  Please give these to friends or whānau before you check in or hand them into our security minders who are located in the Glenroy Auditorium foyer.   

And that’s it! Your moment on the stage.   

Please remember to sit quietly during the ceremony but we really want you to clap/cheer for your classmates when they cross the stage. This is a celebration, and we want you to celebrate!   

Remember that the Gown Room opens on Wednesday 13 September. You must pay for your gown before you pick it up. You can find all the info you need to know about gown pick-up and payment here.   

Published on 6 Sep 2023

Orderdate: 6 Sep 2023
Expiry: 6 Sep 2025