Are you an artist or performer looking for a chance to share your talent?

Our Tōku Tūnga ki Tēnei Wāhi / My Place in This Place exhibition and performance day (10 November) will give you the perfect chance! We’re inviting entries from all ākonga (learners) and kaimahi (staff) – no previous experience required.

Your entry needs to express who you are, what you value, and where you feel most yourself as you navigate your way through life in this ‘place’.

This is completely open to interpretation.

This ‘place’ could refer to the place that you are physically in right now. Or, it could be more abstract and be referring you a ‘place’ within.

We’re looking for expressions showing where the place(s) are that you feel most safe, secure, at peace, welcome, loved, open – any or all of these things and more.

What kind of item can I enter?

  • Exhibition pieces can be performance-based - speech, song, dance or poetry etc.
  • Or, they can be physical pieces – painting, drawing, cartoons, sculpture, digital media, storytelling, wearable art, etc.  
  • You can work individually or as part of a group.
  • The only limitation is that your item needs to be ready by Wednesday 8 November for the exhibition on Friday 10 November.

The choice is up to you - free your creative self and see what unfolds!

How do I enter?

You need to send us an expression of interest by 10 October. 

Register your expression of interest here >

And remember, your actual entry needs to be ready by Wednesday 8 November.

If you have any questions, please email

More information

Why My Place in This Place?

Being able to express ourselves in ways that align with our own preferences and creative voices can boost hauora (wellbeing). Seeing and hearing others do the same can assure us that we are connected and share much more than what might be readily apparent.

As well as this, sharing with others is an excellent was to build a stronger sense of community, collaboration, and belonging – all of which are very important factors in strong mental health.

Are there any rules/limits around particular pieces?

Live performances

Live performances such as dances, speeches, songs, recitations, and acts are limited to 5 minutes in length. 

If you require backing music/tracks, you will need to provide it prior to the event, including details about start and cut off times, whether you would like it faded out etc.  Someone else may be controlling your track, so the clearer you are about details, the better.    

If you have the capability to edit your own track, you are welcome to do so – bear in mind that the higher the quality of sound, the better for your performance. 

Art works

Art works must be no larger than 1m x 1m, and must be self-supporting or easily able to be stuck to a large display board.  All art works should include an introduction about the artist and the piece. This can be sent in advance to organisers for printing.  


Must be self-supporting and contain no sharp areas, or areas where a person could be injured.  All efforts will be made to prevent physical contact with exhibit items, but accidents may happen.

It is your responsibility to transport your item to and from The Hub for display.  However, if your item is heavier than 15kg then you need to let us know so we are able to make sure nobody is injured when it is being moved.  

A final note…

Offensive content will not be accepted: This includes nudity or sexually offensive content, offensive language or hate speech – language or behaviour which may cause offense to anyone in our community.  We have an ethical behaviour and a student code of conduct that needs to be adhered to.  Also, this is to be a whānau friendly event, so please target your submission with that in mind.  

Published on 14 Sep 2023

Orderdate: 14 Sep 2023
Expiry: 14 Sep 2025