It was great to see so many new faces at Orientation this morning as we met our final intake of learners for 2023.

They were welcomed by Academic Director, Sean Bell, who spoke about the teaching and learning practices here at OPAIC.

OPAIC’s vision is to develop New Zealand’s most employable graduates, said Sean. We do this through experiential learning.

We also apply the Māori principle of ako where everybody is prepared to give and receive knowledge and lecturers and learners both actively participate in the teaching and learning process.

Sean told learners that becoming an employable graduate wasn’t just about passing assignments but was also about becoming a lifelong learner, a critical thinker, a sustainable practitioner, and a team player.

At this morning’s session, our new learners were introduced to all of the OPAIC teams of staff. They also took part in a campus tour and an IT induction.

This afternoon they will hear about the Employability services we have on offer here at OPAIC, and then meet their lecturers during an Academic Orientation.

Published on 6 Oct 2023

Orderdate: 6 Oct 2023
Expiry: 6 Oct 2025