The Employability Services and Applied Management team celebrates four Applied Management learners, who have successfully secured internship positions at Portable Power NZ.

The learning and work-integrated project team includes our Master of Applied Management students, Ann Ivy CabaneroKarl IpongMohak Sharma and Vikas Rawat. This project is a great opportunity for our learners as it transforms ideas into real-world impact, focused on creating a sustainable future.

The project will include hands-on experience in renewable energy, immersive learning with industry leaders at Portable Power NZ, a chance to diversify skill capitals and weekly guidance and mentoring by our stakeholders and our Applied Management Head of Department, Russell Harray.

The MD of Portable Power New Zealand, John Akurangi, organised a celebratory meeting on Friday 8 September to welcome our interns. The team also gathered on Wednesday 13 September for the project kick-off meeting along with stakeholders from Portable Power, Russell Harray, Dani Mao, and Patricia Joseph.

The 13-week internship project plan is detailed below:
Weeks 1-2: Orientation & Planning
Weeks 3-8: Execution Phase
Weeks 9-12: Analysis & Scaling
Final Week 13: Presentation & Reflection
We would like to express the project team's sincere gratitude to the Head of the Applied Management Department, Russell Harray, for his guidance. We would also like to thank our Employability Services manager Dani Mao, and coordinator, Patricia Joseph, for supporting our interns and turning this internship into a reality.   

Published on 13 Oct 2023

Orderdate: 13 Oct 2023
Expiry: 13 Oct 2055