As we wrapped up Study Block 3, the Green Office Toitū committee hosted an end-of-block event to celebrate and thank our volunteers who made some of our work in sustainability possible over the last few months.  We invited our OPAIC learners to join us for some fun and pizza as we shared our heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed to our sustainability initiatives.

We started with a warm welcome from our GOT coordinator, Patricia Joseph, followed by a Karakia by our Cultural Advisor, Matt Rua, that set the tone for an engaging afternoon. Later, GOT lead, Dani Mao’s opening remarks reminded us of the importance of our collective efforts in fostering sustainability within our community.

We then built awareness among students of the opportunities coming up with the sustainability hub. Our Block 3 team members and interns shared their enriching intern and volunteering experiences, shedding light on the impactful work being done within Green Office Toitū. They also built awareness among students on how GOT could contribute to their employability opportunities in the future as the hub helped them gain transferrable skills that are valued in the NZ job market.

Our interns Vivi and Fiona graciously shared their internship experiences and how this opportunity helped them grow work-ready skills. Karl and Sudheesh, our dedicated volunteers, took us behind the scenes of the GOT Symposium, illustrating the incredible orchestration involved and the skills and experiences that enriched their journeys with GOT. Ann, Nenie, and Johanna shared their personal journeys as volunteers, demonstrating the diverse opportunities available to contribute to Green Office Toitū’s mission.

We also introduced our block 4 GOT intern taking over from Jiawei Wang, Prabhsimran Kaur.  Dani and Patricia outlined how every student can actively engage with GOT, emphasising the roles and opportunities available for all.

Finally, Matt reminded us of the significance of Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, highlighting our commitment to cultural diversity and inclusivity.

Through our end-of-block event, we encouraged our learners to take the inspiration and knowledge gained forward, to become emerging visionaries for tomorrow’s sustainable future of work. Green Office Toitū thrives because of the dedication of our students, and together, we can create a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future.

We reminded learners, as they embarked on their end-of-block break, to carry the spirit of sustainability with them. Whether they are traveling, relaxing, or working on personal projects, we remind them that their actions can make a difference. We reminded them to stay engaged with Green Office Toitū, so we can continue to work towards a greener, more sustainable future.

Published on 13 Oct 2023

Orderdate: 13 Oct 2023
Expiry: 13 Oct 2055