Migrant women and allies from Otago Polytechnic Auckland International Campus and the wider community enjoyed an inspiring evening last night.

We launched our Migrant Women in New Zealand community with speeches and networking at our Queen Street campus.

OPAIC Employability Manager, Dani Mao, introduced the event talking about her journey to New Zealand and the challenges she faced as a new migrant.

She said she had long dreamed of this community which would be an empowering, supportive, and caring tribe for migrant women like herself.

It would be a place where women could talk about their experiences and challenges and share and realise their dreams.

OPAIC Group Chief Executive and executive sponsor of the community, Sam Alavi, talked about his belief in absolute equality between genders.

He said he was brought up to believe men and women were like the wings of a bird which needed to be in harmony in order to fly.

He said the Migrant Women in New Zealand community had his full support and he was honoured to be an ally.

We then heard inspiring keynote speeches by Professor, Art Historian, Theorist, and Writer, Dr Leoni Schmidt, and Diversity and Inclusion Advocate, Moumita Das Roy.

Many migrant women then shared their stories talking about everything from continuity of self to the importance of connection.

Advise speakers gave to new migrant women included connecting with new networks through hobbies, maintaining a sense of curiosity about the world, and playing to their strengths while not being afraid to explore something more.

We are grateful to everybody who gave their time to attend or share their wisdom at last night’s event.

The Migrant Women in New Zealand community has been created by OPAIC Employability Manager, Dani Mao, Talent Development Specialist, Patricia Joseph, and students Francis Lyn Samaco and Anne Marie Joy Ronquillo.

You can join the community on LinkedIn to hear about our upcoming events.

Published on 20 Oct 2023

Orderdate: 20 Oct 2023
Expiry: 20 Oct 2055