Recent Construction graduate, Leijun Shi, has already landed a Quantity Surveying job.

Leijun completed her Bachelor of Construction at OPAIC in September and is now working as a Quantity Surveyor at a residential contractor company.

She says she’s putting her OPAIC learning to use in her new job.

Her Small Buildings and Medium and Large Buildings courses provided valuable insights into the construction industry in New Zealand.

“Additionally, courses covering measurement, estimating, and programming enhance professional skills, contributing significantly to a Quantity Surveyor's expertise and proficiency,” says Leijun.

Leijun is continuing to build on her knowledge and growing professionally on the job. She’s building her problem-solving and communication skills as she collaborates with architects, engineers, contractors, and clients.

“Continuous exposure to different projects and challenges can lead to significant professional development and expertise in the field,” she says.

Leijun’s grateful for her time at OPAIC. She says our small class sizes meant she received individualised guidance from lecturers. Teamwork undertaken during her study set her up well for the world of work.

Her advice for current students thinking about their future careers is to gain all the practical experience they can, whether that is through internships or volunteer work.

“Real-world experience can significantly enhance your resume and provide valuable skills.”

Published on 24 Oct 2023

Orderdate: 24 Oct 2023
Expiry: 24 Oct 2055