The Green Office Toitū committee hosted an orientation event to welcome our new learners to our sustainability hub. Two new volunteers, Gillian Carlo Smit and James Andrew Collarin joined our team this block and we are stoked to have them with us. Gillian proudly hosted our workshop and built awareness on sustainability. He ran a fun trivia with treats for anyone who had answers to the sustainability quiz we created.

Two previous volunteers, Nenie Petrisia and Karl Ipong joined us as allies to share their experience of working with GOT and how it has helped them not only build knowledge but skills, a network, and find job opportunities in sustainability. We were proud to hear them articulate their passion for the areas of sustainability they are committed to serving.

Dani Mao and Patricia Joseph, the GOT Leads introduced the hub's vision and mission, including different ways that volunteers could get involved in sustainability research and skill-building opportunities coming up. Our endeavour is to catalyse emerging sustainability leaders who take green innovation and practices out into the world they influence long after they graduate.

Published on 13 Nov 2023

Orderdate: 13 Nov 2023
Expiry: 13 Nov 2055