Under the guiding philosophy of taking career development into their own hands, a group of proactive Applied Management learners has formed a working committee to lead Green Office Toitū in sustainability and networking.

Here's an insight into the roles that are driving this initiative:

  • Nenie: Co-lead of GOT, supervising the operations and working alongside Aush.
  • Anu: The social media voice. Anu has stepped up as the social media specialist.
  • Aush: The Workshop Coordinator. Aush plays a critical role in helping to coordinate the workshops that are a cornerstone of the GOT initiative.
  • Syamila: The Networking Champion. Syamila is at the forefront of finding and encouraging participation in networking events related to sustainability.
  • Teresa: GOT intern student. GOT newsletter content creator.
  • Vanessa: GOT industry volunteer. Newsletter designer.
  • Keshav: Assist Syamila in developing the GOT network.

The GOT committee's plan is clear: when not hosting workshops on campus, they will attend external networking events, thus maintaining a continuous learning and professional growth loop. These activities are to be highlighted on GOT's LinkedIn page.  

This student-led initiative not only empowers individuals but also strengthens the collective vision of our institution for creating a sustainable future. The GOT committee is a testament to what can be achieved when passion meets purpose, and we look forward to sharing their continued successes.

Published on 19 Feb 2024

Orderdate: 19 Feb 2024
Expiry: 19 Feb 2054