The Employability Centre, with its unwavering commitment to student success, hosted an engaging workshop focused on harnessing the full potential of LinkedIn for professional development.

The session was designed to empower students with the knowledge to effectively utilise LinkedIn to carve out a robust professional online presence. Here are the key takeaways from the workshop:

  • Unlock Your Potential: Attendees were guided through optimising their LinkedIn profiles, transforming them into powerful tools that reflect their individual strengths and career aspirations.
  • Target Your Goals: Strategies to tailor LinkedIn profiles to target specific industries, roles, and opportunities were shared, helping students to align their online presence with their professional objectives.
  • Showcase Your Journey: The workshop highlighted the importance of a well-crafted narrative that encapsulates each student’s unique career journey, experiences, and achievements.
  • Continuous Learning: Students were introduced to LinkedIn Learning as a resource for personal and professional growth, encouraging continuous acquisition of new skills and knowledge.
  • Network, Network, Network: Emphasis was placed on the art of networking, illustrating how to build and maintain meaningful connections that could lead to significant career opportunities.
  • Discover Opportunities: The session concluded with insights into leveraging LinkedIn’s job search functionalities to discover and apply for job openings, internships, and other professional engagements.


Published on 19 Feb 2024

Orderdate: 19 Feb 2024
Expiry: 19 Feb 2054