Farmers Dunedin is holding a Shave Event on Saturday 4 May 2024 from 12-2pm. Money raised goes to Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand.

Our very own Hairdressing programme is involved in this worthy charity effort, providing both the equipment and the hairdressers.

Two current students, Brooke Drydan and Edita Wolken will be shaving heads, supported by the presence of lecturers Diane Griffin and Julie Costello.

Edita and Brooke both personal motivation behind volunteering for Shave for a Cure.

"My dad had cancer, so I like to do things that work towards a cure," Edita says.

"I've also had close family with cancer. It's nice to help out and raise awareness," Brooke adds.

Both students are excited for the opportunity to put their skills into practice, even with the added pressure of doing it in public.

The hairdressing training salon puts a lot of emphasis on charity work, with money from treatments being donated to a different charity each month. They are also happy to provide time or equipment to charity events like Shave for a Cure.

"To have two students freely volunteering for this event is wonderful," says lecturer Diane.

"It's a great way to contribute to a cause, and good experience for our trainees. And Julie and I will be there to provide our support as our students step out of the training salon and into a public event."

If you would like to sign up to have Brooke or Edita shave your head to fundraise for a cure, you can visit the Farmers Dunedin Shave for a Cure page.

Published on 2 May 2024

Orderdate: 2 May 2024
Expiry: 2 May 2026