Just a heads-up that campus will be really busy on Sunday 26 and Monday 27 May as we host Tertiary Open Day in the tertiary area with the Uni of Otago.

This is our biggest info event of the year, and we always get a good turn-out.

The roads around campus will be busy and parking may be difficult, so it’ll be best to plan ahead if you need to come to campus.

The Hub expo runs from 10.00am – 2.00pm on the Sunday, and 9.00am – 3.00pm on the Monday.

If you see anyone looking a bit lost, it’d be great if you could help them find where they need to be. If you’re unsure where the location is, just encourage them to head to the main Customer Services Desk in The Hub.

Thanks for your help!

Thinking of further study?

This is a great event to head along to if you’d like to do some further study for second semester (starting July 2024) or beginning in 2025.

Event resources

Download the information sheet/sessions for Tertiary Open Day here >

  • This handy resource has an overview of all of the sessions and printed copies will be available at Tertiary Open Day.

Download the map for Tertiary Open Day here >

  • This map is part of the printed resource above.

Download the 2025 programme guide here >

  • Hot off the press with all of our programme offerings for 2025.

Published on 16 May 2024

Orderdate: 16 May 2024
Expiry: 16 May 2026