It's back! But bigger and better!

Last year we ran our “My Place in This Place” exhibition and it went so well we're doing it again!

My Place in This Place invites you to express who you are, what you value, and where you feel most yourself as you navigate your way through life in this “place”.

This is open to interpretation – this place could refer to the place that you are physically in right in the moment, or it could be more abstract and be referring to a ‘place’ within. 

The invitation is to express where the place/s are that you feel most safe, secure, at peace, welcome, loved, open – any or all of these things and more.  

Being able to express ourselves in ways that align with our own preferences and creative voices can boost hauora/wellbeing.

Seeing and hearing others do the same can assure us that we are connected and share much more than what might be readily apparent.

As well as this, sharing with others is an excellent way to build a stronger sense of community, collaboration, and belonging - all of which are very important factors in strong mental health. 

Mā ngā pakiaka e tū ai te rākau

This whakatauki describes how a person cannot stand if there is nothing supporting them. We need to know where we are from, where our roots are and to maintain those ties to whenua, whānau, hapū and iwi to enable us to ensure strong connections for current and future generations.

How could you share your place?

  • Visual art
  • Performance
  • Written piece
  • Story telling
  • Cartoons
  • Teaching a skill
  • Clothing/textiles

and many more ways. Feel free to let your imagination take control!

Kaimahi/staff and ākonga/students are welcome to contribute, individually or in a group. 

You will need to be performance/display ready by Friday 9 August for the event starting Monday 12 August and running through until Friday 16 August.  

Click here for more information and registration details >

Published on 28 May 2024

Orderdate: 28 May 2024
Expiry: 28 May 2026