Nick Austin | Recent Projects 

Nick will give an illustrated talk about some recent projects, connecting these to activities as a student and graduate in the mid-2000s, with the concern of thinking about sustainability of practice.

Nick Austin graduated with a Bachelor of Visual Arts from Auckland University of Technology in 2001, and a Master of Fine Arts from Elam School of Fine Arts in 2004. He has been exhibiting work for 20 years in artist-run spaces, commercial art galleries and public institutions, across Aotearoa me Te Waipounamu and further afield. He works in the traditions of surrealism and deconstructionism, at the intersection of art, poetry and comedy.


Seminars can be attended in person or streamed.

June 6, 12 – 1pm
P152 at the Dunedin School of Art.
Click here to watch online.

Published on 4 Jun 2024

Orderdate: 4 Jun 2024
Expiry: 4 Jun 2026

Date Time Location Facilitator
Thursday, 06 June 2024 12:00pm ~1:00pm P152 Dunedin School of Art