We had the pleasure of hosting an informative Campus Talk about Construction Career Insights at lunchtime last Thursday. Our speakers, Blair Chant and Tina Yang, shared their valuable knowledge and experiences with a highly engaged audience of students.

Blair Chant, Construction Coach and Head of Contracts at Henderson Demolition emphasised the importance of understanding the New Zealand construction work culture, professional networking, and resilience and adaptability in this dynamic industry.

Tina Yang, Contract Manager at Henderson Demolition and our graduate inspired students with her journey, highlighting that career growth is earned through hard work and dedication. Her practical advice on contract management and quantity surveying was particularly insightful.

The feedback from our students has been overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing a strong interest in attending more events like this in the future. Blair and Tina's insights have made a lasting impact.

A huge thank you to Blair and Tina for their time and contributions and to all the students who participated. We would also like to extend our gratitude to our dedicated student MC, Mandi Lobar, and school staff—Sonny Teio, Russell Harray, Priyanka Raina, Imogene Mackay and Firas Almughrabi - for their invaluable support in making this event possible.

Together, we're contributing to a brighter future in construction in Aotearoa New Zealand!

Published on 10 Jun 2024

Orderdate: 10 Jun 2024
Expiry: 10 Jun 2054