Congratulations to Principal Lecturer Dr Lorraine Skelton who has contributed a chapter to the recently published book From Purpose to Impact: The University and Business Partnership.  

The book, edited by Nicholas O'Regan presents best practice in broadening successful academic-business engagement. 

It’s written by senior business scholars and leaders from around the world and looks at how academics can drive relationships and leverage new opportunities.  

Lorraine’s chapter is titled “Collaboration: Why getting it right is the key to academic success”. 

Lorraine is a Principal Lecturer in our Applied Management team. Her PhD looked at collaborative projects. She also holds a master’s degree in business administration with a major in communication and a postgraduate diploma in business with a major in project management.  

Her professional interest areas are collaboration, innovation, projects, and sustainability. 

Published on 5 Jul 2024

Orderdate: 5 Jul 2024
Expiry: 5 Jul 2054