Kia ora koutou, 

We are a group of three second year Bachelor of Culinary Arts students who are passionate about improving wellbeing in our community. We are currently working in partnership with Darlings Orchard and KiwiHarvest to produce and deliver delicious homemade crumbles to struggling families in Dunedin. Darlings Orchard brings us delicious fresh fruit which we process and turn into a filling, nutritious meal that KiwiHarvest picks up.

This is where we would love your help and support! To have the funds to be able to donate these crumbles we have additionally started a business selling them to the public with a buy one, donate one scheme. This was highly successful last term and we ended up being able to donate over 50 family sized crumbles.  For our business we have started a pre order form that we would love you to take a look at, to see this please click the link, or additionally we would love to see you on Tuesday, 30 July in the Hub for pre-orders or next Saturday (3rd of August) at the Dunedin Farmers Market to purchase your crumbles there! Thank you so much for your time and support.

The team at The Spice Cabinet 

Published on 26 Jul 2024

Orderdate: 26 Jul 2024
Expiry: 3 Aug 2026