Natural Resource' staff and students have rallied to a request to create a forest that represents a collaborative venture representing mana whenua, sustainability rōpū and the kaitohutohu office.

The area below Poho has transitioned from a construction zone to meadow to an endemic podocarp forest that will tell a story of this place and become another jewel attracting biodiversity on our Living Campus.

Phase 1 of the project is now complete. Thank you to the Sustainability Fund for seeding money of 2500.00 with a further $15,000.00 worth of labor, and materials provided in kind by Natural Resources staff, students and stakeholder- Delta for delivery of woodchip mulch.

And much appreciation to OPSA, The Manaaki Fund and Food Design Institute for the hearty buffet lunch that followed the planting of the forest yesterday. 

He Toki Forest Project 1

He Toki Forest Project 2

He Toki Forest Project 3

He Toki Forest Project 4

He Toki Forest Project 5

He Toki Forest Project 6

He Toki Forest Project 7

Published on 8 Aug 2024

Orderdate: 8 Aug 2024
Expiry: 13 Aug 2026