Our IT students are getting opportunities to learn from and network with industry experts.

We invited Software Engineering Researcher and University Lecturer Jim Buchan to the campus last week.

Jim has extensive experience in industry and academia. He has held a variety of roles at Auckland University of Technology working with staff and postgraduate students to understand and improve the team-based development of software.

He also partners with companies to work on the problems they’re curious about and he’s been a Continuous Improvement Coach with a product development company spanning several countries.

Last week he spoke to students about topics including Agile/SCRUM, the use of AI, and getting a job in the IT industry

Jim’s talk was the first of a series of industry talks planned to give IT students an opportunity to learn from industry experts, network with them and be ready for the workforce.

We’d like to thank him for taking the time to share his expertise with our learners.

Published on 19 Aug 2024

Orderdate: 19 Aug 2024
Expiry: 19 Aug 2054