Our Information Technology students have been creating web applications to enhance the efficiency of our operations here at OPAIC.

Four groups of students have undertaken projects with clients from the OPAIC team of staff as part of their Level 5 Fundamentals of Web Development course.

The first app developed by students was for Research Manager and Head of IT Dr Farhad Mehdipour. It is for the Future Skills research database.

Senior Lecturer Kathiravelu Ganeshan helped the team modify the app and then passed it along to Technology Solutions Lead Kanika Hans for further enhancement and deployment on the Future Skills system.

Another group of students made an app for the AIC student sports club with ICT, Facilities and Customer Services Manager Sonny Teio as their client.

A third group’s app was a system for journal article submission and review. The clients for that project were Learning and Teaching Specialist Bruno Balducci and Applied Management Head of Department Bing Dai.

The final app is for a Tutor Booking system for OPAIC and Future Skills students for Head of Department for English and Learning Support Advisor Cheryl Watson and English Learning Advisor and Lecturer Amelia Funaki.

The last three projects will be deployed on the department servers for extensive testing, further user feedback, and enhancement before deployment on the cloud.

Ganeshan says working with real clients on real-world projects motivates the students who undertake these projects and provides valuable learning experiences for all students in the cohort.

The students presented their web application projects to classmates, lecturers, and clients yesterday.

Published on 19 Sep 2024

Orderdate: 19 Sep 2024
Expiry: 19 Sep 2054