What better way to finish off the week than by saying thank you to someone in your community?

Spread some good vibes by showing your gratitude today   it could be to the courier driver, to a local volunteer, or to a workmate or neighbour…anyone who helps make your community what it is. 

You could express gratitude to those in your community today, by:

  • Using this whakawhetai/gratitude poster to say thank you to someone you cross paths with today.
  • Has someone gone above and beyond to help your community recently? Mention their contributions at a community meeting, on a neighbourhood Facebook page, or in a local newsletter.
  • Getting crafty and creating something for someone you are grateful for.
  • Organising a surprise outing for a friend or whānau member you are grateful for. Plan to do their favourite activities, and enjoy the chance to catch up and kōrero.
  • Do you have a neighbour who has helped you in some way? Say thank you by inviting them around for morning tea, or returning the favour in whichever way you can.
  • Leaving a note on a hoamahi/colleague’s desk to thank them for their help at mahi. 
  • Taking a moment for yourself today by writing down three things you are grateful for. Reflecting on the things we are thankful for can help us to experience more positive emotions.
  • Checking out Sparklers’ Compliment Posters and Gratitude O’Clock activities to help your tamariki practise gratitude.


Thanks so much to everyone who organised and participated in MHAW events this week. We're so grateful to be part of this warm and vibrant community.

Published on 27 Sep 2024

Orderdate: 27 Sep 2024
Expiry: 25 Sep 2026