Nau mai, haere mai – Welcome!

The word 'chaplain' can be a bit misunderstood. So here is a little introduction to the Chaplain and the Māori Chaplain at OP, and an explanation of what they do.

Chaplains are here to walk the road of life and studies with you, and be a non-judgmental presence through the ups, downs and all the in-betweens. It may be guiding you in your grief, helping you settle in at Polytechnic, helping you on your faith journey or just listening to your heart and being present with you.

Te Ata and Steve (and their coffee budget) are here for all students – regardless of your faith background or beliefs. You might have a particular reason to speak with a chaplain, but you can also just drop by for a kōrero / chat. 

The Chaplain room is located in the Hub, next door to Te Punaka Ōwheo.

You can drop in, email directly, or make a booking through Student Success.

Some of the things you might talk to a chaplain about include:

  • Coping with grief or sudden change in life

  • Settling into Polytechnic and being away from home

  • Spiritual discovery and direction

  • Prayer and blessings

  • Helping you to discover purpose and meaning in your life and studies.

Get to know Steve


CORP staff SteveDowney 002 opt

Kia ora, hi!  I’m Steve, Dad of 4, originally from Invercargill.

I am a chaplain here at OP, which is a bit of an old-fashioned title! Chaplains in Unis and Polytechs are people who are present in the community, helping whoever crosses their path with the journey of life and/or study.

My favourite part of my job is getting to hear the dreams and aspirations of our students – so inspiring.  And seeing our students cross the stage at graduation – it often brings me to tears.

Outside of work, I enjoy road trips with family or friends. Must include Board games and lots of yarns.

I have four wonderful school-aged children. Here is Aviya, our second oldest, with Shadow.

bunny pic

Get to know Te Ata


Te Ata Roy

Te Rarawa, Ngāpuhi ngā iwi.  

Ngāi Tūpoto, Patukeha ngā hapū.

Ngāi Tūpoto, Te Rawhiti ngā marae.

Kia ora whānau, my name is Te Ata. I am one of the Māori chaplains at the University of Otago and Otago Polytechnic. I hail from Whangārei, Northland and am married with two adult children. We have lived in Te Waipounamu for 26 years  and in that time, we have had opportunities to serve, minister and care for other whānau from all walks of life, from children to kaumatua.

Te Hāhi Mihinare o Ōtepoti is the church I minister in.

I am passionate about being a good listener, learning and connecting with others, and providing spiritual support such as karakia.

I am available at Te Punaka Ōwheo.

Please visit or contact me by email. I am looking forward to meeting you.

Kuhu mai, kōrero mai, karakia mai.

Published on 28 Mar 2025

Orderdate: 28 Mar 2025
Expiry: 28 Mar 2027