Submit your master or doctoral dissertation

This form is for master and doctoral students of Otago Polytechnic to submit their research dissertation.

  1. All dissertations must be publicly available in digital and/or hard copy. This is because your research is a valuable contribution to the body of knowledge in your field.
    1. Use this form to upload your dissertation to our digital repository; and /or
    2. Liaise with your supervisor about the requirements for binding a hard copy and the form to deposit that hard copy in the Robertson Library. We recognise that some theses are not suitable to be published online, for example to protect commercially sensitive information or to avoid breaching copyright for images in the dissertation.
  2. All abstracts of dissertations will be made publicly available online, whether the dissertation is available online or not. This will help people find and apply your research. Abstracts are a summary of your research that serves as an introduction, up to a maximum of 500 words.
    1. Use this form to upload your abstract.

If your dissertation is not one piece of written work, please contact us at to discuss the best way to make it publicly available.


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Distribution licence

I grant to Otago Polytechnic Ltd (OP) the non-exclusive right to reproduce and/or distribute my work worldwide in print and electronic format and in any medium, including but not limited to audio or video on the following Creative Commons licence, allowing other people to use my work as long as they acknowledge it is mine:

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) 4.0 International
