Degree in Mechanical and Automation Engineering (Dalian Ocean University students only)


Dalian Ocean University Yellow Sea Campus by distance from Otago Polytechnic Dunedin Campus


Three years


This programme supports learners in the Dalian Ocean University Otago Polytechnic joint qualification in Mechanical and Automation Engineering during their first three years of study






    Study breaks content

  • Location
    Study breaks
  • Dunedin
    21 July 2025
    24 November 2025 - 13 February 2026
    15 September 2025 - 26 September 2025
    13 April 2026 - 24 April 2026

This study programme is for you if you're an enrolled student at Dalian Ocean University and studying in the Degree in Mechanical and Automation Engineering. 

The courses in this programme support the learning in your programme delivered by Otago Polytechnic Engineering staff in Dalian. It provides additional English language support, learning materials and access to online learning for courses that cannot be delivered on campus. 

Career opportunities for graduates 

This Training Scheme is specifically designed for those looking to pathway into employment.

The learners most likely to benefit from this are high school leavers, second chance learners, career changers, and skill upgraders who are motivated by the need to gain or retain entry-level employment in the highly paid tech sector.

Successful participants may also go on to create their own product as an entrepreneur through the application of these skills in a technology team or company or pursue employment as a contractor and/or freelancer.

Entry requirements 

Applicants must be enrolled in the Dalian Ocean University Otago Polytechnic joint degree programme in Mechanical and Automation Engineering. 

Your workload 

All study is highly structured, guided and self-directed and you will need to have good time management skills. As a full-time student you should typically aim for around 30-40 hours of study per week. You will be required to engage with the online resources and activities, and complete assessments.

You will learn 

This programme of study supports learning on the degree programme offered jointly by Dalian Ocean University and Otago Polytechnic.

It will provide online learning options for courses that are not able to be delivered face-to-face and will additionally provide support resources for your face-to-face learning within the programme.

You will be supported by a Teaching Assistant in Dalian who will also provide practical training through labs and workshops.

Further study options 

After successfully completing this programme of study, you will be eligible to apply to travel to the Dunedin Campus of Otago Polytechnic. Here you can complete the Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Mechanical) and will also be in a great position to apply for the Certificate in Digital Technology Product Solutions (Level 5).  


Course Description Dates
25-DUN-FXM Dunedin 21 July 2025 - Mechanical (Dalian)