Information for Fieldwork 4 (Year 3)

Placement Aims

Fieldwork Placement 4 (Year Three) BT710001      35 on-site hours per week for 8 weeks

Total Learning hours-300

This course enables ākonga to demonstrate competence through the consistent application of whakaora ngangahau | occupational therapy skills and knowledge, within the practice setting, sustaining professional behaviours, and attitudes at a consistent level.

At the successful completion of this course, ākonga will be able to:

  1. Critique the role of the kaiwhakaora ngangahau | occupational therapist and whakaora ngangahau occupational therapy using evidence-informed practice within the local context.
  2. Practice whakaora ngangahau|occupational therapy at a consistent level* across identified areas of competence within the placement(s) setting.

Key Information

PLEASE NOTE: the dates below will vary if you have offered a delayed start
  • Allocation notification to supervisors: TBC
  • Pre-placement podcast link
  • Start Date: Monday 07 July
  • Midway assessment: Week beginning 28 July
  • Final assessment: By Friday 29 August
  • Email completed assessment to by 03 September

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