Record in Vault

Vault is our safety management system which:

  • is crucial to prioritising and maintaining a safe work environment
  • aids the wellbeing of our ākonga (learners) and kaimahi (staff)
  • helps minimise the risk of accidents or incidents
  • allows us to proactively identify hazards, implement preventative measures, and effectively respond to any safety concerns.

When to record something in Vault 

When you discover a hazard (something that can cause harm) or are involved in an incident you need to report it to your lecturer or school administrator and then record it in Vault. 

How to record something in Vault 

We've created a handy How to guide which shows you how to record something. 

Download guide 


How to access Vault 

Click on the image below to open Vault. 

Record in Vault screenshot

Get in touch

For any issues you may experience with Vault, please contact the Wellbeing and Safety team.