Clinical placement timetable (2025)
This timetable shows the clinical placements across the academic year for all programmes.
Responsibilities for Clinical Experience 2025
This booklet contains generic responsibilities for the clinical experience of:
> Lecturers and Students at the School of Nursing
> Clinical Placement Areas
Fluid and medication guide (2023)
A guide for fluid medication preparation and administration for student nurse and competency assessment programme candidates.
This presentation includes:
- Your Role as an RN preceptor – acknowledgement of extra workload
- Expectations of School of Nursing/Clinical Tutors/Student concerns
- Effective preceptor Feedback
- Support as an RN receptor
As a preceptor, you will have free online access to preceptorship resources. This series of resources is designed to assist mental health nurses who are precepting student's undertaking study with Otago Polytechnic's School of Nursing I Te Kura Tapuhi.