Take 2 / Take 5 - risk assessment
Take 2
A Take 2 is a personal risk assessment checklist to be used for everyday tasks and is designed to prompt thought towards the risks associated with a task, and whether persons are prepared to complete the task safely.
Take 2’s prompt personnel to think about whether they have had adequate training to do the task, whether they have the right equipment and whether their environment is safe.
Take 5
A Take 5 is a personal risk assessment designed as a prompt for someone about to complete a task, to first stop, think about the hazards involved with the job, and to record control measures to implement.
Take 5’s prompt you to think about whether you have had adequate training to do the task, whether you have the right equipment and whether your environment is safe.
You can choose to use the App which requires the use of an OP device (mobile phone or tablet - see How to access Vault Check below), or click on the image below and download the PDF version, complete and email to safetyandwellbeing@op.ac.nz
We recommend that you complete the Take 5 3 working days prior to the event / task so that the Health and Safety team can review and offer recommendations if needed.
Please email the final version to safetyandwellbeing@op.ac.nz
Risk assessment template
Health, safety and wellbeing is everyone's business and we all need to play our part to ensure a healthy and safe working and learning environment.
- Download the risk assessment template here.
We have a risk management template specifically for events. Please use this form to assess risks and to plan and prepare for your event.
- Download the event risk assessment template here.
Get in touch
If you are not sure on any of the procedures or just need some guidance, please get in touch with us.